connecting nodemcu with mysql database
Hello guys in this tutorial i show you how to connect node mcu with the my sql database in server. so by doing this you get the data to your website.all your products will be connected to your database.once you have done this you could do the data analysis and many other things on your recieved data. THINGS REQUIRED: 1.NODE MCU 2.LDR 3.RESISTANCE(1k ohm) 4.BREAD BOARD 5.CONNECTING WIRES SOFTWARE REQUIRED: 1.NODEMCU Before getting into it you should have the basic knowledge in networking and also in that you could understand. i have used 000webhost web hosting services i suggest you the same since it is free of could also try any other webhosting services according to your comfort . LDR: the LDR(Light dependent Resistance) is a sensor which is used to measure the light intensity. ...